Sunday, 8 August 2010

News: Women Loses 25KG after Hypnosis "operation" - She was convinced she had an Operation!


Emma Eveleigh-Anderton a company director, dropped from a size 18 to a size eight after being convinced her stomach had shrunk to a size of a golf ball. 

Emma went through a "virtual surgery" (not real) during which her hypnotist took her through the details of the surgery. 

She went through four £245 sessions over a period of a month, to teach her to respond differently in situations involving food. 

Mr Hemmings (her hypnotist) could not recognize his own client after 6 months. 

"She walked into the clinic and I remember thinking she was a new client making an appointment"Hypnotist Russell Hemmings


This story is another great example of proving that the power of your mind has unlimited capabilities - the only limits being, your beliefs. 

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News: Women Loses 25KG after Hypnosis "operation" - She was convinced she had an Operation!


Emma Eveleigh-Anderton a company director, dropped from a size 18 to a size eight after being convinced her stomach had shrunk to a size of a golf ball. 

Emma went through a "virtual surgery" (not real) during which her hypnotist took her through the details of the surgery. 

She went through four £245 sessions over a period of a month, to teach her to respond differently in situations involving food. 

Mr Hemmings (her hypnotist) could not recognize his own client after 6 months. 

"She walked into the clinic and I remember thinking she was a new client making an appointment"Hypnotist Russell Hemmings


This story is another great example of proving that the power of your mind has unlimited capabilities - the only limits being, your beliefs. 

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Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Getting angry 'can be good for you' - New Research

Losing your temper could actually be good for you, researchers have found, because letting off steam can lesson the effects of stress. 

The findings appear to back up the common psychological theory that venting emotions is better for mental health than keeping them locked up - expressing anger increases blood flow to a part of the brain thought to be involved in feelings of happiness, the research found. 

Although blood pressure and heart rate increased by getting angry (considered a negative effect), the damaging stress hormone, cortisol, was reduced whilst testosterone levels increased.  

It's interesting how this latest research is similar to the 5 element system (used in Chinese medicine such as acupuncture and other systems), in which, enough anger creates joy.

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Asthma Treatment in Pakistani Salt Mine

Natural salt is known for its detoxifying effects (not iodized salt, which is poisonous to the human body) - some ancient cultures have even labeled salt, an elixir of immortality.

The salt mines in Pakistan are among the biggest mines in the world, and are now being used as a healing center for asthma patients. The salt from the mines is present in the air, breathing this natural salt detoxifies the lungs and seems to help patients suffering from asthma. 

Salt healing centers have been used for therapy for bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, and even ear infections. 

"This hospital is a blessing, it gave me a second life. I never had problems breathing after spending 10 days over there in 2007," said Adnan Khan, a Pakistani patient, on his second visit to the clinic (quoted from


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Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Acupuncture does work: New Research proves its significance

"Acupuncture works by stimulating a natural painkiller in the body that swells arteries and allows more blood to flow through, scientists have discovered" - the

The fact that the study proves acupuncture allows more blood to flow through (via a natural chemical release in within the body) is a major breakthrough, as one of the biggest factors that limit the body's self healing ability is circulation. If blood cannot circulate to certain key areas, those organs will not function and do their job (be it to release rejuvenating hormones or simply to carry away toxic built-up in the area). 

"During and immediately after an acupuncture treatment, the level of adenosine in the tissues near the needles was 24 times greater than before" - Dr Maiken Nedergaard, a neuroscientist at the University of Rochester, New York



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Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Breaking News: Humans can Regrow Body Parts (Naturally)

As you know, I have always pondered on the extent of human potential for healing - after all, there are animals in nature that can do so much, from electrocuting you, to outliving the average human lifespan and even regrowing lost body parts; new research says that humans can do this - imagine, growing a new organ without any surgery!

"Regrowing amputated limbs, broken backs and even damaged brains could one day be a reality after scientists discover a gene that is key to the almost magical ability" -

Recent research has found that the gene p21 appears to block the healing power still enjoyed by some creatures including amphibians but lost through evolution to all other animals - seems like evolution doesn't always "grow" in the right direction; why would evolution want to block healing?

Wistar researchers said the following:

"In normal cells, p21 acts like a brake to block cell cycle progression in the event of DNA damage, preventing the cells from dividing and potentially becoming cancerous"

This is exciting news - it will even hurt the retina's of sceptics everywhere!

It has long been told, that yogi masters who practice the art of meditation, can access their subconscious mind; which controls vital functions of our bodies (from the very heart beat to hormone excretion). The problem was, there was never enough "proof" to show for it; at least for the sceptics out there - Now there is proof that the human mind is capable of turning "on" and "off" genes within the human body!

"It's not all in your head" says Dr. Herbert Benson, president emeritus of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind/Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and as associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. "What we have found is that when you evoke the relaxation response, the very genes that are turned on or off by stress are turned the other way. The mind can actively turn on and turn off genes. The mind is not separate from the body."

He believes that this study is the first comprehensive look at how mind states can affect gene expression. More details of the study can be found in this document by Amanda Gardner, a HealthDay Reporter

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Thursday, 11 March 2010

The Plant that Pretends to be ill

A leaf damaged by mining moths (left) compared to one faking it (right).

A plant that pretends to be ill has been found growing in the rainforests of Ecuador 

The plants feigns sickness to stop it being attacked by insect pests known as mining moths, which would otherwise eat its healthy leaves.The discovery is published in the journal Evolutionary Ecology.

In theory, plants with variegated leaves should be at a disadvantage, because of this restricted ability to photosynthesise.

But a chance discovery by a team of botanists suggests this may not be true after all. Instead, some variegated plants may be mimicking illness to avoid being eaten, putting themselves at an advantage.

Read full story at BBC NEWS


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Wednesday, 10 March 2010

515 Reasons Men Are Better than Women (Or are they?)

Actually - the post really should be titled "515 Chemicals Men and Woman put on their bodies everyday" - Then again, I don't see a lot of men (yet?) walking around with eye shadow... =) 

After this - you might be interested in detoxifying your body regularly. 


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How to Heal a Broken Heart - Ancient Secrets

I often wondered what is the best way when it comes to healing a broken heart (or any kind of emotional healing) - only recently by observing an ancient system (Chakras), I discovered a simple truth: talking about it, heals the heart - and so does listening to music!

I know, I know ; you will have most likely known about these "healing" methods - but you most likely did not know WHY; in my article on Emotional Healing, I explain how each chakra envelops the chakra below it - this is why healing is ideal when it comes from "above" (The Chakra above). 

Now you just have to look at a 7 chakra system chart, assign your problem to the chakra closely related, and use something from the chakra ABOVE the problem chakra, to heal/solve the issue! 

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Korea does what the US refuses to do: Restrict junk food advertising to children

Junk Food

Korea has put a ban on junk food from all TV from 5pm to 7pm - and completely prohibited junk food advertising during children's programs - foods high in fat, sugar and salt - foods like hamburgers, pizzas, instant noodles, even chocolate, candies and ice cream! 

I think it is a brilliant idea; kids minds are open to new ideas (including negative) and commercials of foods that are not ideal for your health, can have a negative impact. That does not mean to say that you cannot enjoy such foods in a balanced way. 

Sourced from:



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Sunday, 7 March 2010

Free Hypnosis Downloads: Change your Mind, Body & Spirit

Since I uploaded a recent post about Emotional healing; I thought I should post up a website where you can find free hypnosis downloads to clear your mind and accelerate towards reaching your goals. 

And remember: 

"Beware of your words, for they become your thoughts - Beware of your thoughts for they become your actions - Beware of your actions for they become your habits - Beware of your habits, for they will seal your fate!" 


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Emotional Healing: Vital for Ultimate Health

All health conscious people know that having an exercise program 3 times a week is great for your body's health - they also know that incorporating raw foods is great; but most never even look at working on emotional health, either because they don't understand its harmful effects on the body; or because they simply are embarrassed to talk about emotional problems. 

"The causes of hormone imbalance vary, but one of the main culprits is stress" -

Emotional stress is so powerful, it can actually cause the following, directly:

- Increased heart rate

- High Blood Pressure

- Hair Loss

Does the above list look familiar in any way? 

The first two are the number one causes of deaths in the western world (Heart & Circulation related) - and the last one, hair loss - is so common in today's society, it makes me feel sick that doctors can still call this "bad genetics" and ignore the fact that today's society is in dangerous levels of stress.

Today's average person, is under more stress, than any other time in the history of mankind. 

I repeat: Today's average person, is under more stress, than any other time in the history of mankind. 

Even if you exercise and have a "perfect" diet full of vitamins and minerals - you are still at risk - because problems of the mind, can only be fully solved from the mind. 

So, how do I heal from emotional stress?

The best way to solve problems of the mind - is to simply observe them. 

Practice meditation - observing your thoughts; there is a reason why meditation is/was practised in the history of every religion in some shape or form - you cannot have a thought, without a feeling. 

So to stop stressful feelings, you need more control (for lack of a better word) your thoughts - best way to do that, is sitting quietly and simply observing your thoughts. 

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Thursday, 11 February 2010

Truth: Smoking is Good for you!

My neighbour - they recently wrote a very informative article called "Myth: Cigerattes are evil. Truth: Smoking is Good for you!". 

Although it touches on many (must read) topics - it says worrying and guilt is more damaging to your immune system than almost anything!

It goes on to say that nicotine is good for your liver and looking pretty... but does not fail to mention the few toxins that do come in with smoking:

2-Amino-3,4-dimethyl-3H-imidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (MeIQ)
3-Amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido [4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-1)
2-Amino-l-methyl-6-phenyl-1H-imidazo [4,5-b]pyridine (PhlP)
2-Amino-6-methyldipyrido[1,2-a:3',2'-d]imidazole (Glu-P-1)
3-Amino-l-methyl-5H-pyrido {4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-2
2-Amino-3-methyl-9H-pyrido[2,3-b]indole (MeAaC)
2-Amino-9H-pyrido[2,3-b]indole (AaC)
2-Aminodipyrido[1,2-a:3',2'-d]imidazole (Glu-P-2)
Catechol (1,2-benzenediol)
3,4-Dihydroxycinnamic acid (caffeic acid)
Ethylene oxide
IQ 92-Amino-3-methyl-3H-imidazo[4,5-f]quinoline)
Nitrogen mustard
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine (NDBA)
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine (NDPA)
N-Nitrosodiethanolamine (NDELA)
N-Nitrosodiethylamine (DEN)
N-Nitrosodimethylamine (DMN)
N-Nitrosoethylmethylamine (NEMA, MEN)
4-(N-Nitrosomethylamino)-1-(3-pyridinyl)-1-butanone (NNK)
N'-Nitrosonornicotine (NNN)
N-Nitrosopiperidine (NPIP, NPP)
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine (NPYR, NPY)
Polonium-210 (Radon 222)
Propylene oxide
o-Toluidine (2-methylaniline)
Urethane (carbamic acid, ethyl ester)
Vinyl acetate
Vinyl chloride
2,6-Xylidine (2,6-dimethylaniline)

I strongly recommend subscribing to their blog - they are the top people when it comes to dealing with health.  


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Thursday, 28 January 2010

5 Reasons Why You Must Detoxify your Body

1 - Plague builds up in your arteries, veins, organs, kidneys and even intestinal walls

2 - Plague slows down these organs ability to function (called ageing)

3 - You get ill more often as your immune system is not as powerful as before

4 - Mind Body connection; its scientifically proven that the mind affects the body - this applies the other way too, so if your body is "ageing", can you imagine what will be happening to your mind?

5 - Blood Circulation slows (wrinkles), and stops in some cases (hair loss) 


What can you do to reverse biological ageing?

- Fasting (various kinds)

- Detox Tea

- Himalayan Salt Baths (acts like a third kidney) - 

Crystal Salt Bath, Unsc'd 5.5 lbs

- Practice the ancient detox techniques found in the eBook for advanced body detoxification and body rejuvenation


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Great Diet, Great Workout... Whats next?

So you have a great diet working for you - you know you have to consume a certain percentage of raw foods into your diet. You also know that some amount of exercise and stretching is vital to keep the body in shape!

You even know that you have to eat anti-oxidant rich foods that will stop free radicals from damaging your cells, protecting your DNA...

What's next? Is this all there is to ultimate health? or is there more?

Apart from the very important mental health - which includes your emotional health, you still have to cover one more aspect about your health which is overlooked way too many times on every health blog. Its called detoxification. 

Your body goes through a lot of food over the years, most of the food gets digested and processed by the body - however, the accumulation of plague within the body gets built up in the stomach lining (this includes undigested food that sits there for months!) as well as artieries and even your vital organs (kidney stones for example) - all this slows down each organ's ability to do its job correctly - causing aging as we know today. 

Exercise and diet does not detoxify these organs too much, otherwise some sports athletes would not age very much, if at all - and live a really long life. Detoxification comes in many shapes and sizes, it is recommended to use various methods of detoxifying yourself including fasting, detox tea and regular Himalayan salt baths.

That said, there is an eBook called "Yoga & Qigong Secrets for Advanced Detoxification & Body Renewal" which teaches an ancient system applied to any kind of yoga/qigong (or even stretching) that, when practiced, will release so many toxins from your body, that your sweat actually starts to stink for a day or two - not only that, when you go to the bathroom, you release more psychical waste (sorry for the graphics) than you normally would, because of the undigested food built-up in the intestines - the eBook is only $7 - I recommend it - they are not my teachings, they are teachings of a clan with over 4,000 years history. 



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