Thursday, 28 January 2010

Great Diet, Great Workout... Whats next?

So you have a great diet working for you - you know you have to consume a certain percentage of raw foods into your diet. You also know that some amount of exercise and stretching is vital to keep the body in shape!

You even know that you have to eat anti-oxidant rich foods that will stop free radicals from damaging your cells, protecting your DNA...

What's next? Is this all there is to ultimate health? or is there more?

Apart from the very important mental health - which includes your emotional health, you still have to cover one more aspect about your health which is overlooked way too many times on every health blog. Its called detoxification. 

Your body goes through a lot of food over the years, most of the food gets digested and processed by the body - however, the accumulation of plague within the body gets built up in the stomach lining (this includes undigested food that sits there for months!) as well as artieries and even your vital organs (kidney stones for example) - all this slows down each organ's ability to do its job correctly - causing aging as we know today. 

Exercise and diet does not detoxify these organs too much, otherwise some sports athletes would not age very much, if at all - and live a really long life. Detoxification comes in many shapes and sizes, it is recommended to use various methods of detoxifying yourself including fasting, detox tea and regular Himalayan salt baths.

That said, there is an eBook called "Yoga & Qigong Secrets for Advanced Detoxification & Body Renewal" which teaches an ancient system applied to any kind of yoga/qigong (or even stretching) that, when practiced, will release so many toxins from your body, that your sweat actually starts to stink for a day or two - not only that, when you go to the bathroom, you release more psychical waste (sorry for the graphics) than you normally would, because of the undigested food built-up in the intestines - the eBook is only $7 - I recommend it - they are not my teachings, they are teachings of a clan with over 4,000 years history. 



Posted via web from HumanCure's posterous

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