Sunday, 7 March 2010

Emotional Healing: Vital for Ultimate Health

All health conscious people know that having an exercise program 3 times a week is great for your body's health - they also know that incorporating raw foods is great; but most never even look at working on emotional health, either because they don't understand its harmful effects on the body; or because they simply are embarrassed to talk about emotional problems. 

"The causes of hormone imbalance vary, but one of the main culprits is stress" -

Emotional stress is so powerful, it can actually cause the following, directly:

- Increased heart rate

- High Blood Pressure

- Hair Loss

Does the above list look familiar in any way? 

The first two are the number one causes of deaths in the western world (Heart & Circulation related) - and the last one, hair loss - is so common in today's society, it makes me feel sick that doctors can still call this "bad genetics" and ignore the fact that today's society is in dangerous levels of stress.

Today's average person, is under more stress, than any other time in the history of mankind. 

I repeat: Today's average person, is under more stress, than any other time in the history of mankind. 

Even if you exercise and have a "perfect" diet full of vitamins and minerals - you are still at risk - because problems of the mind, can only be fully solved from the mind. 

So, how do I heal from emotional stress?

The best way to solve problems of the mind - is to simply observe them. 

Practice meditation - observing your thoughts; there is a reason why meditation is/was practised in the history of every religion in some shape or form - you cannot have a thought, without a feeling. 

So to stop stressful feelings, you need more control (for lack of a better word) your thoughts - best way to do that, is sitting quietly and simply observing your thoughts. 

Posted via web from HumanCure's posterous

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