Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Getting angry 'can be good for you' - New Research

Losing your temper could actually be good for you, researchers have found, because letting off steam can lesson the effects of stress. 

The findings appear to back up the common psychological theory that venting emotions is better for mental health than keeping them locked up - expressing anger increases blood flow to a part of the brain thought to be involved in feelings of happiness, the research found. 

Although blood pressure and heart rate increased by getting angry (considered a negative effect), the damaging stress hormone, cortisol, was reduced whilst testosterone levels increased.  

It's interesting how this latest research is similar to the 5 element system (used in Chinese medicine such as acupuncture and other systems), in which, enough anger creates joy.

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Asthma Treatment in Pakistani Salt Mine

Natural salt is known for its detoxifying effects (not iodized salt, which is poisonous to the human body) - some ancient cultures have even labeled salt, an elixir of immortality.

The salt mines in Pakistan are among the biggest mines in the world, and are now being used as a healing center for asthma patients. The salt from the mines is present in the air, breathing this natural salt detoxifies the lungs and seems to help patients suffering from asthma. 

Salt healing centers have been used for therapy for bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, and even ear infections. 

"This hospital is a blessing, it gave me a second life. I never had problems breathing after spending 10 days over there in 2007," said Adnan Khan, a Pakistani patient, on his second visit to the clinic (quoted from


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Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Acupuncture does work: New Research proves its significance

"Acupuncture works by stimulating a natural painkiller in the body that swells arteries and allows more blood to flow through, scientists have discovered" - the

The fact that the study proves acupuncture allows more blood to flow through (via a natural chemical release in within the body) is a major breakthrough, as one of the biggest factors that limit the body's self healing ability is circulation. If blood cannot circulate to certain key areas, those organs will not function and do their job (be it to release rejuvenating hormones or simply to carry away toxic built-up in the area). 

"During and immediately after an acupuncture treatment, the level of adenosine in the tissues near the needles was 24 times greater than before" - Dr Maiken Nedergaard, a neuroscientist at the University of Rochester, New York



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