Wearing prescription glasses/lenses for your eyesight is actually bad for your eyes - it even makes your eyesight worse off!
How can anyone make such a bold statement?
You are given glasses/lenses because your eye muscles are not strong and flexible enough to focus on near/far objects - putting in a lens would allow you to focus on objects; the eye muscles do not have to work as much (if at all!).
When a football player breaks his leg and stays in the hospital for months - what happens to his leg muscles? They weaken! The player is unable to run as fast, let alone walk; hence the reason for light exercises during and after recovery - so their muscles get built up again. This applies to all muscles - including eye muscles. If you wear glasses, you are not only continuously resting your eye muscles, but weakening them over a period of time - the reason why you may have to get stronger lenses later on.
I am not yet saying to throw away your glasses just yet - because you still need them for operating machinery and even for driving your car safely - at least until you built up your eye strength - but as a start, you need to only wear your glasses when it is required by law and safety reasons as mentioned.
How can I naturally improve eyesight?
I hope it is obvious by now that you would need an eye exercise program that would gradually challenge your eyes to work harder - improving your eyesight over time. It is a hard fact that pilots are given eye sight training which actually improves their vision beyond the 20/20 mark! And so can you!
To get started you can try out some free eye exercises for a few days - remember to consult your doctor before trying out any exercise program - including eye exercises.
Posted via web from HumanCure's posterous